PBC Task Force Update
Updated: 09/05/2023
PBC Taskforce Update
We are sure that each of you has heard and read about the new Covid Omicron variant as well as the fact we are entering the flu season. We would like to encourage everyone to remember during this holiday season to safely socially distance, wear a mask when possible, and wash your hands. We hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Year.
Please be assured that the Task Force does not take the decisions we are making lightly. It is our hope that we will soon be on the other side of this health crisis.
Restart Task Force
Michael Belcher
Fran Dixon
Danne Howard
Greg Moseley
Cathy Poage
Mark Williams
If Ever Your Church Needed You, It Is Now In my wildest dreams I never thought there would be a time when the church would be more useful if we suspended our gatherings. This, however, is where we are. COVID-19 is pervasive and contagious. PBC will prepare to be good neighbors.
We intend to be compliant with every recommendation from the CDC because the best of public health policy and the best of medical science are vital to slowing down and overcoming the siege of the Coronavirus.
But here is what I know about our fellowship at Pintlala Baptist Church. We are resilient and once we put our collective mind to doing something, it gets done. Ideas, strategies, creative planning must reflect the empowerment of the Spirit. PBC, will prepare to come out on the other side of this historic moment a stronger church.
Everyone is needed. Everyone has the capability of making PBC strong and influential for the cause of Christ. The church gathered maybe suspended for the common good, but the church scattered in ministry and service will be a force for good and God. We will be the church if we cannot “have church.”
We proceed on, Gary Burton, Pastor garyburton1@charter.net
We will update information via the website, pintlalabaptist.com, email and text messaging. Please do not hesitate to contact:
The church office (334.281.9439)
Or Jerrie (334.328.6661)
Or Gary (334.315.2235) for any questions.
To continue your giving you may: click here to donate on line @ pintlalabaptist.com, mail in your contribution or drop it by the church office.
– Gary
Pintlala Baptist Church and COVID-19
Everyone in the PBC family is needed to prevent the spread of this virus which is 10x more lethal than the flu. We are depending on the latest information from the healthcare communities from the National and State of Alabama advisories.
“We are asking for your understanding and support as we ramp up our response to the immediate challenge:
- Sanitizing the common areas throughout the church complex. Our preschool areas are routinely sanitized. The frequency, thoroughness, and expansion of this work will begin immediately.
- Social Distancing will be necessary. The most vulnerable are the elderly among us and those whose health is already comprised by ongoing conditions. For some, choosing to stay away when the church gathers is a decision our church will bless. However, we must stay in touch in order to support one another.
- We will continue to promote the guidelines for personal hygiene: frequent hand washing, using hand sanitizer, cover coughs and sneezes with tissue.
- We will honor those who choose to make elbow contact rather than fist bumps, handshakes and close contact.
- We must keep ourselves informed. PBC will provide ongoing vital information. We welcome your suggestions.
See important Links below.
2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Gary Burton, Pastor