PBC is a second family to me, containing a congregation of believers who takes care of its members as well as the people of the community in good times as well as bad. It has allowed me to take responsibility for a facility that belongs to God and its members. I try my best to make the members of the church be proud of the facility they have built to worship in. And for that I am thankful.


Kimberly Langley

There are truly no words to fully express what PBC means to me and my family. As a child I was introduced to PBC, and through the years it has played a major role in molding me into the person I am today. I am so thankful and blessed to have a wonderful church family that has given me love and support throughout my life. The heartfelt prayers my family and I have received in times of both joy and sickness have been a great source of encouragement and comfort.  I feel it is very important to support PBC’s ministries with your tithes, talents and time.  I have been so blessed to be a part of the Lord’s work at PBC by teaching the youth and formerly serving on the staff.  Through my service to PBC, God has taught me what it truly means to be the heart and hands of Christ. In Christ’s Love.

 Amy Argyle

For me, PBC is truly a second home. It is the only church home I’ve ever known. I was born into this family and raised with the Christian values that all of the members help to instill into each other every day. PBC is the place that I found my salvation, many of my first friends, and the biblical knowledge that guides me. It is here that I was presented as an infant, a graduate, and where I was married. I now have a child of my own that has been made a part of this special church family. I pray that his life is as fulfilled by PBC as mine has been thus far. I am so blessed to know PBC as my church home and to watch the Lord’s work being done through this congregation.