Ministry Position
Pintlala Baptist Church is seeking a full-time pastor who is eager to grow God’s influence in the community. The candidate should be a self-starter, enthusiastic about the word of God, and excited for the opportunity to bring new members to the church. Pintlala Baptist Church, which is located in the southwestern portion of Montgomery County, has a loving church family that is here to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve our community and beyond in his love. We are genuine in our worship atmosphere and enjoy supporting one another.
- Has a strong theological background
- College and seminary graduate
- Licensed and ordained Baptist minister
- Aligned with the core beliefs of Pintlala Baptist Church (PBC)
- Has excellent administrative, supervisory, and organizational skills
- Has demonstrated a record of community involvement
- Has demonstrated a record of strong pastoral care/agape love
- Is a strong and clear communicator
- Verbal, written, and electronic
- Open to input
- Demonstrates and maintains an image of professionalism and Christlikeness
- Previous administrative experience preferred
- Leads the church in discipleship
- Sunday morning and Wednesday nights
- Special Services such as but not limited to Maundy Thursday, Christmas Morning, Revivals, etc.
- Baptisms
- Lord’s Supper
- Ordination of Deacons
- Performs ceremonies
- Weddings
- Funerals
- Dedications
- Performs pastoral care
- Visitations to hospitals, nursing homes, homebound
- Counseling, guidance, or support
- Open door access policy
- Upholds the church constitution, by-laws, and policies
- Moderates quarterly or called church-wide business meetings
- Maintains agreed upon office hours
- Works cooperatively with and attends deacons’ meetings and other necessary committee meetings
- Supports and attends church and community functions
- Promotes and engages the church in local, domestic, and international missions
- Represents PBC with local, state, and national meetings
- Montgomery Baptist Association (MBA)
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF)
- Alabama Baptist State
Desired Attributes:
- Relates to all generations
- Progressive
- Self-motivated/passionate/visionary
- Humble
- Encourager
- Good steward of personal and church finances
- Personable/friendly
- Patient