Your Questions

When you visit PBC for the first time you may have many questions. We hope we can answer some of those questions now and make you visit to PBC enjoyable and meaningful! Please feel free to call the church office (334-281-9439) between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday with any questions or comment. We hop you choose to visit PBC soon!

Where do I Park?

Many spaces available surrounding the church with several designated spots for visitors in the front of the sanctuary.

Where do I Park?

Many are spaces available surrounding the church with several designated spots for visitors in the front of the sanctuary.

When are services?
Sunday School (Bible Study) – 9:45 a.m. (See our Current Bible Study page for more details)
Morning Worship – 11:00 a.m., in the sanctuary
Fellowship Supper (First-times visitors eat free) – 5:15 p.m., in the fellowship hall
Adult/Youth Bible Study, Children and Preschool Activities – 6:00-7:00 p.m.,
Adult Choir Practice – 7:00-8:00 p.m.
What are the services like?
Our services include congregational worship, special music by the choir,  prayer, tithes and offerings, and a message from our pastor. Our worship is designed to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a meaningful, personal way.
Will I be singled out as a guest?

As you enter the building, you will be provided with a Sunday bulletin, and you will be asked to complete a registration card during the service so that we may get to know you better. You will not be asked to stand or speak during the service. We do, however, invite you to linger and meet some of our members after the service.

Will I be expected to give money?
The ministries of PBC are supported by the financial contributions of its members.
May I participate during Communion?
PBC strongly believes that anyone who knows Jesus Christ as their Savior is welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper (communion).
Do you provide childcare during the service?

Childcare is provided in a safe, well-tended area for infants and children who are three years of age or younger. Children ages four and five may attend Little Big Church during the worship service. Each parent is given a silent pager, which is returned when the parent picks up their child following the worship service.

Do you provide childcare during the service?
Childcare is provided in a safe, well-tended area for infants and children who are three years of age or younger. Children ages four and five may attend Little Big Church during the worship service. Each parent is given a silent pager, which is returned when the parent picks up their child following the worship service.
How accessible is the building for physically challenged people?
A drive-through covered portico on the north side of the building allows for easy access for those in wheelchairs or who have difficulty walking. Several ramps are available for wheelchairs from the parking lot area. Handicapped bathrooms are easily accessible, and extra wheelchairs are available if needed. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance from a greeter or usher. 
What does your church believe?
While no Baptist can speak for another, the members of Pintlala Baptist Church are committed to sharing the good news of salvation by grace. We believe that the Christian life begins, not with rules, but with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The church strives to sustain a culture and atmosphere supported by historic, and often endangered, Baptist principles such as freedom of the soul, Bible, church, and religion.
How Do I join the church?
  • By Profession of Faith
    Individuals who make a profession of faith publicly confess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Baptism is strongly encouraged for those who make a profession of faith.
  • By Letter
    Individuals who hold membership in another Baptist church may join PBC by indicating their desire to do so. PBC will correspond with their former church about this decision.
  • By Statement
    Individuals who have been members of a Baptist church whose records are unavailable may join PBC by stating their desire to do so.
    Individuals who have membership in a church of another faith tradition and have professed faith in Christ may join PBC by stating their desire to do so. PBC encourages baptism by immersion.

Contact Us

73 Federal Road Hope Hull, AL 36043 334.281.9439 (Church Office) 334.281.9419 (fax)

Office Hours:

8:00 am – 3:00pm Monday – Thursday

Check us out on

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Where is PBC? PBC is on Highway 31, 7 miles south of the Hope Hull/Pintlala exit on I-65 and 13 miles south of the city of Montgomery, Alabama.

Pintlala Baptist Church