Helping Hands Ministry
Helping Hands Ministries
The Heart and Hands of Christ
Welcome to PBC' Music Ministry
In Colossians 3:16 we are told to let the word of Christ richly live within us. But how do we do this? By teaching wisdom through God’s Word and by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The mission of Pintlala Baptist Church’s Music Ministry is to provide opportunities where anyone who wants to honor God through song and praise can come and join us. We have people from all walks of life involved in our Music Ministry: nurses, teachers, farmers, veterinarians, students, mechanics, and so on. Most of them are not professional musicians who can read music, but all of us love the Lord and we give our best to Him. The following are areas where you can become involved:
Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary choir practices in the choir room every Wednesday night at 7 PM. This group is open to anyone ages 16 and up. They present an anthem almost every Sunday during our worship service along with seasonal events such as Christmas and Easter.
Handbell Choir
The Handbell choir practices in the choir room Sunday afternoons directly after our morning worship services. This group is open to anyone ages 16 and up. They present anthems seasonally during events such as: Anniversary Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
Children’s Music Ministry
Children’s choir meets in the choir room every Wednesday night at 6 PM. The kids work to learn songs that they present in our Sunday worship throughout the year, and are taught our VBS songs to help teach others during Vacation Bible School.
Sound and Media Ministry
This area of our ministry meets our need for running sound, slides and video projection, and streaming our services through our website, This area extends the reach of our shared ministry to those who cannot physically join us for worship, and to others around the world.
What is ADY?
ADY which stands for Ain't Done Yet is a community-wide group targeting active older adults and is sponsored by Pintlala Baptist Church. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the PBC fellowship hall at 10:00 am. Guest speakers, devotions, musical entertainment, meals, road trips, and games are just some of the ways ADY supports our group with the priorities of fun and fellowship
The Group has been in existence since 1979 and continues to flourish. There are no dues for membership, nor do you have to be a member of Pintlala Baptist Church to attend. ADY is open to anyone who is interested in participating. We hope you will give us a try!
The Women's Ministry
The Women’s Ministry is a group of ladies actively sharing the love of Jesus.
Year-round projects help bring comfort and joy to our church family and community.
A few of our projects include:
-Delivering Christmas Cheer Baskets to our homebound and elderly members.
-Collecting food, clothing, and toiletries for The Community Of Hope Ministry.
-Supporting our local Elementary School staff.
-Donating blankets and snacks To the Montgomery Cancer Center for their clients receiving cancer treatments.
-Once a quarter we “Celebrate Women” with a fellowship lunch and inspirational speaker or fun craft event.
Our current Women’s Ministry leader is Angie Singleton. Her vision to make everyone feel the love in our church family is heartfelt.
The Men's Ministry
The Men’s Ministry works to share God’s love with members of the church and the community. The group, which is currently under the leadership of Dan Singleton, works to involve all ages to help with the ministry various projects. Building ramps for those with mobility issues and providing meat to the local food bank through the Hunt for the Hungry campaign are just two examples of how the Men’s Ministry works to meet physical needs. Building bonds within the church is also another goal of this group. Events such as church-wide breakfasts and the Wild Game Supper provide opportunities for fellowship. The Men’s Ministry endeavors to provide recreational opportunities for the children with events, such as fishing, archery, and building bird houses.
Mad Hatters
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. Matthew 28:17
The Mad Hatters was created on the premise that we look at what we have in our hands, then we use it in service of Christ. In this case, what we had in our hands were yarn, crochet hooks, knitting needles, sewing thread and sewing needles. The Mad Hatters began in July 2006 with a delivery to the NICU at Baptist South Medical Center. This group went on to make and deliver over 1700 blankets and over 1500 caps to the NICU.
Mad Hatter projects:
* Blankets and caps for the NICU at Baptist South Medical Center
* Lapghans and Poppies for VA Hospice.
* Lapghans, hats, and scarves for Community of Hope.
* Friendship blankets for homebound, hospital patients, and the bereaved at PBC
* Items for the Christmas Cheer baskets for the homebound at PBC.
We are always looking for new members of the Mad Hatters, so if you are a crocheter, knitter or like to sew, come join us.
If you have a question about this ministry, please feel free to contact the church office (281-9439).
Giving Matters
Medical Outreach
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. Matthew 28:17
Pintlala Baptist Church partners with other Montgomery churches to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of our neighbors through the Medical Outreach Ministries Family Health Center located in Montgomery. We support them through many volunteers who give many hours a week to help staff the facility. We also give support through prayer and finances for this much needed ministry sponsored by the Baptist Medical Center.
If you have a question about this ministry, please feel free to contact the church office (281-9439).