

While no Baptist can speak for another, the members of Pintlala Baptist Church are committed to sharing the good news of salvation by grace. We believe that the Christian life begins, not with rules, but with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Church strives to sustain a culture and atmosphere supported by historic, and often endangered, Baptist principles such as freedom of the soul, Bible, church, and religion.


Vision Statement:

Our vision is to nurture the full potential of the individual through a personally applied faith in Jesus Christ PLUS to nurture the individual’s Commitment to the ministry and mission of his church.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to nurture the full potential of the individual through a personally applied faith in Jesus Christ PLUS to nurture the individual’s Commitment to the ministry and mission of his church.

Pintlala Baptist Church Core Values

Rooted in Scripture

We Believe in the Authority of the Scripture. The Bible is central to the life of the individual and the church. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we believe that every Christian has the right and freedom to interpret and apply scripture. We believe in the ordinance of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is open to everyone, and the elements should be presented to all believers.

Priesthood of all Believers

We believe that every believer/follower of Christ has direct access to God and ever person is equal in the eyes of God.

Equality of Genders in Service

We believe that men and women are equally qualified to serve as deacons and church leaders. No distinction should be made regarding gender in the ordination of those God has called to serve.

Autonomy of the Church

We believe all Baptist Churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ, to determine their membership, their leadership, their order of worship, and to participate as they deem appropriate in the larger body of Christ.

Separation on Church and State

We Believe in the freedom of religion, separate from and without government interference.


Pintlala Baptist Church is affiliated with:

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Alabama Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Southern Baptist Convention

Alabama Baptist Convention

Montgomery Baptist Association

Baptist World Alliance